Monday, April 11, 2011

Priceless Price-ism #1

Sometimes, your husband says something that is so original and sweet that you can't help but want to document it for time and posterity. Take an average weeknight last week: RP came home. I had cooked him a spinach omelet and was, per usual, dancing around the kitchen:

RP: You're being really suspicious.
Me: Because I'm dancing around the kitchen?
RP: No, because you look really pretty.



  1. he he he (gotta love those hubbies)

    You are so lucky your last name is Price - there are so many funny things you can do with it (language wise). Let me know if you have anything for Montgomery...

  2. I just caught up on your life, my computer has been down for a couple months. I loved everything that you posted. I love your furniture and happy for you that it's all coming together. My little boy Carter thinks that you guys are AWESOME cause you surf. He says, "They say Dude" ha so funny :)
