Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Presents are Awesome: Part 1

Trivia Question: What's more awesome than marrying this devastatingly handsome, practically-pro surfing, ridiculously funny, brilliant real-estate mogul?

(I mean, besides frozen yogurt.)

Answer: Marrying this devastatingly handsome, practically-pro surfing, ridiculously funny, brilliant real-estate mogul AND getting presents for it.

But, unfortunately, due to a March trip to Utah that was so quick RP and I just barely managed to squeeze in a wedding (our own), we left all those glorious, beautifully-wrapped presents in his parents' closet until time and fate saw fit to reunite us.

Well, tonight, on a very special installment of HiPrices, you're invited to witness that very reunion - or rather, half of it. Thanks to the overwhelming generosity of my new mom and sister, we received an assortment of gifts on Sunday, ripe for the unwrapping.

Observation 1: Presents suit our living room even better than furniture did.

Observation 2: Anticipation is half the fun. Six weeks of anticipation, however, is six times the torture.

Observation 3: I can't find a single wedding photo where I'm smiling that big. Apparently, it's not about vows and dresses, but about the Emile Henry line at Williams-Sonoma.

Observation 4: RP gets a bit demanding where presents are concerned.

Observation 5: Forget his nose; all it took for RP to accept Judaism was a hand-crocheted hot pad.

***Don't forget to tune in later this week as Part II of this special reunion continues, featuring the other half of our long-lost wedding gifts.***

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