Friday, January 6, 2012

Fiscal Responsibility (and other misfortunes)

Sure, RP and I have all sorts of compatibility: common religion, similar family background, mutual physical attraction, shared disdain for Hummer-driving douchebags… need I go on?

All that aside, we seem to have very different financial ideals.

In 2011, we perfected the art of compromise to determine a family budget (a feat similar to the Geneva Convention). One caveat to our budget negotiation was the understanding that both of us would receive a certain allotment of “personal” money each month.

Personal money – noun, plural: Buy whatever you want and your spouse can’t complain, regardless of how many pairs of boots you already have.

Now, regarding our personal money, RP and I differ. To say the least.

Give us both a dollar bill and we have radically dissimilar tendencies. To help explain, I’ve created the following charts (click for detail).


  1. You need to learn the art of wifely money laundering. (Both the literal kind of claiming any money you find in the laundry, and how to clean money through the family budget)

  2. I need to come to your house. I love dollar bills. And now that I know where RP hides them . . . ..

  3. Our monthly budget "talks" are more like a Cold War standoff. We NEVER see eye to eye on discretionary spending.
