Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Long and Short of It

In the Price household this week, marriage faced the ultimate challenge:

I cut my hair off.

Loyal followers might recall that when RP and I met, my hair was slightly longer than boy short.

This is a fact RP refuses to acknowledge.

Despite the evidence:

Yet, RP took the change well. When he first saw me fresh from the salon (a bit traumatized and shy), he was full of reassurance:

RP: It doesn't look terrible.
K: It doesn't look terrible?
RP: No, it's cute. You look like a Yorkie.
K: A Yorkie?
RP: A Yorkie.
K: Like the dog?
RP: The dog with nice hair.

This is interesting only because, when I stumbled into the bathroom to get ready for church this morning, this is what I found:

I think Alanis would call that "ironic."

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